What's involved

Arrival on site

It’s not just about paintball at s.w.a.t. –
At the start of your fun day at s.w.a.t. You will be greeted by a member of our friendly staff, who will book you in, upon booking in you will be issued with a 2 piece camouflage suite, Once  booking has been finalised, you will given a detailed safety talk which includes information about the rules and demonstrations on how to use the equipment correctly. After the safety talk has finished, normally around 15 minutes, you will be advised to go to technical support, were you will get your equipment.

Before the games start

Once you have obtained all your equipment you will be given the chance to de mist your mask, which is pump spray bottles of anti-fog solution, this de mist prevents the mask from steaming up in the inner lens during play. Once the de mist process has been completed you will be prompted to obtain your first pot of paintballs which are sold in watertight pots of 100
Once the field marshals are satisfied that all players are ready to go you will be taken to the first game zone, and commence playing paintball, all game rules are explained prior to each game unfoldin

Times etc

During the morning session we play between 6-8 games with different scenarios as well as some safezone games, were the marshals encourage team building and little competitions between the customers, these competitions are fun and have prizes for the players.
At 1.00pm we all break for lunch and all markers are stowed securely whilst we all relax
Light refreshments can be purchased throughout the day or you can bring your own.
Once lunch has finished normally around 30 minutes the staff will advise the group to collect their kit and rejoin the games which run till 4.00pm, we give prizes and certificates for the player of the day at the end of the day once all players are back in the safezone.

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